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Mindful Money
4 Month Coaching Program

Let's transform your relationship with money.

We get it. You, like thousands of others in your shoes, were never taught the basics of personal finance in school or at home. You entered the working world and strive to do your best every day, but it feels like an uphill battle with your money. You're struggling to navigate trying to make good financial decisions while juggling paying off student loans or other debt, taking steps for your future, and still trying to travel and embrace living your best life today. Somehow, it seems like everyone else has this figured out except for you. Every day you're drained by the anxiety of questioning whether you're "doing it right", doing "enough", or if you'll ever feel like you've got your life together when it comes to money.

If you are ready to break free of the paycheck to paycheck cycle, say goodbye to debt once and for all, save for what's important to you, and feel confident investing and building wealth so you don't get stuck working for the rest of your life.. this program is for you. 


Program Details​

  • Guided pre-work to uncover your financial starting point

  • 2.5 hour initial virtual financial foundation coaching session

  • Four 90 minute monthly virtual coaching sessions

  • 15-30 minute weekly telephone accountability check ins

  • Weekly written check in form submissions

  • Recommended reading throughout the coaching program to learn the technical side of personal finance, which is then applied to your unique circumstances in our coaching sessions

  • Full access to your dedicated expert money coach via phone, text, and email for the duration of the program

  • Paid Monarch Money subscription included

financial calmis withinyour control

What Our Program Graduates Have to Say

"You both are absolutely amazing and great at what you do! I know I've mentioned this before, but gaining control of my finances, investing, and planning for my future has been a goal of mine for quiet sometime. I've made attempts in the past to learn but I would easily become stressed and overwhelmed to the point where I could not even think about anymore. I had the hardest time understanding the concepts/terms and felt like it was something I wasn't capable of accomplishing. All of that changed for me in the past 4 months. From the first conversation with you guys, I knew this was going to be the best choice I could make financially for myself and today I can confidently say that it has been."

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Program Framework

Throughout our four months together, we'll focus on answering important
questions about our finances and our relationship with money. As we progress through each month, we'll continue to build off the knowledge, skills, and habits developed in the prior month with the ultimate goal of ensuring you have a sustainable system to fund a life you love.

Month 1

Finding your financial starting point

Where is my money currently going?


What do I spend on that brings me the most value, joy, and meaning?


What do I spend on that makes life more stressful?


Why is it time to sick to a plan with my money?

Month 2

Reflect on your relationship with money

Who were/are my role models with money?


What is my current relationship with money?


How do I want to feel about money?


What money habits or feelings about money hold me back?

Month 3

Maintain Sustainable Systems

Is the money system we created sustainable for the long term?


If not, what do we need to adjust?


What are my goals for my short term savings and debt payoff to accomplish over the next 3 months?


What specific steps are needed to achieve these goals?


​How can I automate my finances?


Month 4

Looking Forward - Long Term Planning

What are my goals for saving and investing in the next 1-5 years?


How do I prioritize which long term goal I should tackle first?


What have I improved on most since I began this journey? Where do I need to focus moving forward?


What steps will I need to take to stay consistent and ensure this financial change is lifelong?

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